Special ValenTango discount rate now available!
- $119 for single queen (plus tax)
- $149 for two queens (plus tax)
To book a room:
- Click here for: Room Registration, or
- Call the hotel directly at 503-281-6111 and ask for in house reservations (open Mon-Fri from 8:00a-4:00p). Use the special code “VAL”
- Call the Hilton Central Reservations office anytime at 1 (800) 996-0510. Again, use the special code “VAL”
Discount rates available only until Jan 11 or until hotel sells out—which happens every year!
- If you need to cancel your room and would be kind enough to transfer your reservation to another tanguero, or if hotel is sold out and you want to snag a cancelled room, please fill out the Room Cancel Connection Form.
- Otherwise, full refund if cancelled up to 30 days of arrival date. After that you will be charged one night stay.
Getting to the Hotel:
DoubleTree by Hilton, 1000 NE Multnomah St, Portland OR 97232–located near downtown (see Map) and right on MAX (Portland’s famous light rail system). For only $2.50 you can pick up MAX at the Portland airport baggage claim area (the Red Line is your only choice), ride for 30 minutes, get off at Lloyd Center/NE 11th Ave and you’re there. (Taxi costs around $35.)
Hotel Features include:
- Two in-house restaurants serving fresh, local and organic foods; a coffee shop open most hours; and a bar serving local beer, wine, and spirits.
- 8000 sq ft of dance floor.
- Lloyd Center–Oregon’s largest shopping mall–is just across the street (note: Oregon has no sales tax!).
Easy walking distance to the Convention Center and Memorial Coliseum.
- Adjacent to Historic Broadway District with more restaurants and shopping.
- Complimentary parking for all ValenTango™ attendees.
- Complimentary loaner bicycles/helmets/locks for guests.
- And the best part….free chocolate chip cookies!!!