Priority is given to tangueros who live in the Portland area. To get your name on a wait list for the positions below, go to ValenTango Staff Application. (To see a list of those on the volunteer wait list, go to ValenTango Volunteer List.)
- 8 Classroom Door Monitors are needed (Sorry, position filled) Work 2 days (Thu & Sat or Fri & Sun) from 10:30am-4:000pm (with breaks between classes) collecting tokens at the entrance of the classrooms. In return, monitors will receive a Full Milonga Pass ($195 value). To see times slots available, go to: ClassRoom Door Monitors.
- 5 Milonga Hosts are needed (a) select, coordinate, and train Cashiers (see below) for each milonga that he or she hosts, and (b) be responsible for picking up and returning the Milonga Kit–which contains an admission sign, change bank, and tracking forms. Generally a Milonga host works four milongas in return for a Full Pass ($384 value) plus $200. To see which milongas are still in need of a host, go to Milonga Host Form.
- 30 Cashiers are needed for the milongas. In return for working the entire milonga, cashiers receive either 3 tokens for the evening traditional milongas and 2 tokens for all other milongas. Each token is good for one class ($35 value) or may be used as $30 toward admission to any milonga. To apply, go to the Cashier Schedule and follow the directions at the fop of the page..