Simply put, we have one of the finest teaching staff available for you at ValenTango 2020. All 12 instructors are exceptional teachers and dancers of traditional Argentine tango and have vast international experience in performing and teaching tango. And on top of that, they’re just great people. I think you’re gonna enjoy and learn a lot from them!
Daniela Roig & Hernan Prieto (Buenos Aires) [video] email: danielayhernantango@gmail.
“Since our childhood we realized that dancing was the play we loved the most; and today we make that play in our way of living. Embraced by tango many years ago, we try to pass on what our teachers have told us and that what we really love.” Consistently Daniela & Hernan rank at the top in the evaluations and so we are pleased that they will be returning again this year.
Marcos and Florencia are from Argentina. They started to dance together in 2013, but with more than 15 years of previous experience dancing each one, developing and researching in Tango since they were teenagers., learning from the biggest Maestros from Buenos Aires, where they live, getting an elegant style of dance combining the roots of the traditional tango, adding the new tools from the Scenic Tango, prevailing the intimate embrace and connection. In Buenos Aires, they have been part of some of the best well known tango shows, such as La Ventana, El Viejo Almacen, El Querandi. Cafe Tortoni. As a teachers, they are focus on the technique to get a comfortable dance for both roles.
In 2015 they won the second place in the Metropolitan Tango Championship in Buenos Aires and they has been participating in many cultural programs trough Argentina and visiting cities in Weekend, Workshops and festivals in the east and west cost of States. They made into the Finals of the Mundial in 2017, 2018 and 2019
Maxi & Paloma (Chile) [video#1, video#2] email:
Tango dancers with over 15 years of national and international experience, with thorough preparation in the styles of Salon and Stage (show). Our academic training includes ballet, Jazz and ballroom dance. Our work and style focus on keeping the traditional tango while emphasizing the technical work to ensure clean movement. We have won several national and international awards, which include 6 finals in worldwide championships, second place in 2007 (Argentina) and first place in 2008 (South Korea)

Maxi Copello & Raquel Makow (Buenos Aires) [video] Tango became part of Maxi’s life from the very start as his grandparents were Argentine folkloric musicians and his father, Carlos Copello, is one of the most well-know and prominent tango dancers who participated in a number of notorious tango shows and movies. Maxi has been the director of a tango movie, producer of tango stage shows and dancer in international tango shows.
Raquel began dancing Jazz, Ballet, and Ballroom at age 10 and tango at 15. Her father is Argentine and on family trips to Buenos Aires she would study tango and dance in the milongas. In the past few years she has been working in Buenos Aires teaching tango and traveling around Europe (Italy, Portugal, and France) teaching tango seminars and performing in milongas.
Since beginning dancing together, Maxi and Raquel performed in the stage production “Tango Nuevo Cabaret” in August 2015 in the famous Teatro Avenida in Buenos Aires. Since then they have performed exhibitions and taught in various milongas in Buenos Aires. Most recently they participated as maestros in the Misterio Tango Festival along with the family Copello, know as the “Clan Copello”. Together, Maxi and Raquel strive to continue discovering more about tango and share their dancing with others.

Oscar Casas (Buenos Aires) & Jesica Arfenoni (BA/Chicago) [video]
Jesica is a great salon tango dancer–a natural milonguera! She’s the 2103 Tango Salon World Champion and has toured throughout Europe and Latin America since 2010 giving seminars, and performing. Jesica was a member of the dance companies “Tango Viaje Al Sentimiento” and “Tango Mas Tango”. She was also a member of the “Ballet Folclórico Nehuen Auquen” for three consecutive years. Jesica has also served as a judge for several championships in different countries.
Oscar has a distinct style both in his dance and his teaching. He is very milonguero, and is highly respected by the old guard in the milongas of BA. He also is extremely popular with his students, who are impressed by his teaching style. He teaches with energy and humor, emphasizing concepts, specializing in improvisation always interpreting the music and respecting the character of the different orchestras. He is especially interested in the dynamics and cadencia of the dance. Everything he teaches is applicable to crowded milongas.
Rod & Jenny (Chicago) [video]
Dancing together since 2009, they believe that the connection, musicality, and technique are the keys to fully appreciate the beauty of Tango. In their classes they concentrate on how to be comfortable inside the embrace, based on the logic and naturalness of the movement. They travel all around the U.S. as well as abroad (Vancouver, Victoria, Mexico City, Cancun, Poland, India, Italy, etc…) to perform and share their tango knowledge at festivals and weekend workshops. Their infectious energy and love of the dance has created a large following of students in Chicago and the surrounding area